Club Cycliste Beaconsfield PO Box 40503 Kirkland PO, Kirkland, QC H9H 5G8
Code of Conduct
The purpose of the Beaconsfield Cycling Club (CCB) Code of Conduct is to describe the type of behaviour which the CCB is seeking to promote and encourage its members and supporters to adopt.
The code shall be known as the CCB Code of Conduct. The Code shall govern the conduct of all Members and with any persons associated with the CCB. In particular, it shall apply to:
- Persons acting for and on behalf of CCB.
- Persons participating in CCB organised events.
- Executives, Commissaries, Volunteer’s and support personnel assisting or conducting CCB events.
- CCB wishes to operate in an environment where people show respect for others and their property. Respect is defined as consideration for another’s physical and emotional well being and possessions, to ensure no damage or deprivation is caused to either.
- CCB wishes to operate in an environment that is free from harassment. Harassment is defined as any action directed at an individual or group that intimidates or creates a hostile, offensive environment.
- CCB wishes to operate in a non-discriminatory environment. Respect the right, dignity and worth of every human being – within the context of the activity; treat everyone equally regardless of gender, ethnic origin or religion.
- Persons to whom this Code applies acknowledge and agree to comply with the disciplinary and grievance procedures promulgated by the CCB. If any disciplinary action is taken, persons directly affected shall be given the opportunity to participate in those proceedings and the right to appeal against any decision against them.
All CCB members who are bound by this Code Shall:
- Must respect the Quebec Highway Safety Code (or the Highway Code of which the members are riding on (e.g. Ontario, USA/State etc….).
- Act in a manner which is compatible with the interests of the CCB;
- Accord people involved in cycling with the appropriate courtesy, respect and regard for their rights and obligations;
- Treat people’s property with respect and due consideration of its value;
- Respect the confidentiality of information which they receive in the course of fulfilling their duties;
- Uphold the standing and reputation of cycling within the CCB ;
- Positively contribute towards improved safety on our roads and attitudes towards other road users.
The CCB Executive reserves the right to cancel any CCB membership in the event that a member fails to respect the above Code.
CCB Executive
(Edition December 2014)
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